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My Alloy Wheels Look New - after having them refurbished by a mobile repair company

My Alloy Wheels Look New – after having them refurbished by a mobile repair company

Looking to get those scratches out of your alloys? Or are they just dented and don’t look as sharp as they should? Look into getting them fixed with a mobile repair company.

These companies offer many services from refinishing, in which your wheel will be placed in a patented Mobile Reconditioning Facility where they will be primed, cleaned, repaired, and clear coated with a technique that has been patented by the company. Your paint will be matched to what car you have, be it foreign or domestic. This repair process will normally take only about one hour, plus it’s all guaranteed.

Another service they offer to you as a customer is remanufacturing. Sometimes the wheel may be too damaged to be fixed and this will run you a bunch of money, depending on how much they cost originally of course. So with this remanufacturing offer it beats out the price of purchasing another wheel. At times, this calls for the wheel to be stripped down to the metal and remanufactured again. But it is possible to do it with no problem. The wheel will be stripped down to the aluminium surface, where the damage will be repaired with state of the art technology. The wheel will be cleaned again and primed, ready to be repainted to match your other wheels. Unfortunately this isn’t possible to do with every tyre, so they can offer you discounted prices on many wheels.

Straightening is another service that is offered by a mobile repair company. If you have uncorrected vibrations caused from dents in your wheels, it may lead to problems with your steering. Safe and effective processes are used to correct the wheel to ensure that it is straight. If you have a bend that is too hard to fix with the mobile service, it can be taken back to the shop and fixed.

Plus mobile repair shops offer many other choices, one of which is simulated chrome plating. Chrome has been banned in many places, so it’s a good idea to get a simulated chrome plating job if you want those sharp looking wheels on the road. Also offered is custom colours, in which your wheels can be matched to your vehicle.

As you can tell with a mobile repair service, you have many ways to have your car looking sharp in no time at all. So if your wheels need refinishing, call the mobile repair service and come have them work on your tyres while you’re working for the day. You’ll come out and have some great looking wheels on your car again. Plus if you’re looking to sell your vehicle, it’s always best to try and fix the little things on them first. This will stop the price of your vehicle being less than what you were hoping to get. With a new pair of wheels or at least a pair that looks new, you will easily be able to get the price you were hoping to get for your car.


It Simple get your free estimate now and get that damage fixed fast! Usually all we need is 1-2 photo’s of any dent and we can give an estimate.

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